
Publié par happy-diet mardi 13 octobre 2009

Garlic plant is of great benefit, defined by people for thousands of years, along with useful food, and perhaps the capacity to treat, and as an effective antibiotic, which is made in many of the foods even more than the rest of the spices and plants .. Many understand the therapeutic benefits through the everyday experiences. Used by the ancient Egyptians, builders of the pyramids to increase physical strength, and protection from disease, has discovered the secret of survival for a long time without being damaged, and found that some of the pharaohs were careful to bury the body in the cemetery with the appreciation for him, and a sign of prestige for them. When the plague swept through large areas of the world, more than six centuries, the societies in which they are used to eating garlic is the least number of injuries, but those who eat large quantities more resistant to diseases. *** And use the garlic for decades as a disinfectant and antibiotic against injuries and protective of pollution, even used in hospitals, and was a good effect at least penicillin did not overlook the scientists of these facts, but it cared for him and held conferences, and Washington has seen 15 years ago, the largest global conference to discuss the benefits of garlic, was confirmed by researchers at the conference can plant garlic comes a list of herbs to help cure diseases. Tens of disease resistant garlic Arabs were interested and knew the benefits of garlic, and said before God in the Koran to further strengthen the status of garlic and underline its importance to the Arabs and Muslims, and that the Prophet peace be upon him pointed to the benefits of garlic food, medical and said peace be upon him (Eat garlic Treat him and the Healing of the seventy-disease) and despite the benefits of garlic, great medical and food, but the smell is pungent and repugnant because people made it does not rise to the level of benefits, but in modern times turning to cosmetic garlic is easy because it is odorless and great interest, at the same time possible to overcome the repulsive smell in several ways. Plant out this witch's magical plant strong booster actors belong to a faction known as the common plant that belongs to onions, leeks, garlic, however, differs from other form in the fruit, leaves, effectiveness, and there in the world are between 30 300 species of plant garlic, which facilitates cultivation in areas of groundwater and climate from it, and one clove of garlic contains articles on a variety of assorted food that rarely exist in the same amount in any other plant, which contains fat and protein material, carbohydrates and fiber, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron and acid Nasin and thiamine, vitamin A and many other articles of rare minerals and enzymes antibiotics and nuclear materials and others.
Doses and how to take advantage of the garlic clove health is addressed or lobes of raw garlic per day and not desirable to increase the quantity, and can be swallowed or chewed and then swallowed or eaten with the passage of power. And wants to take a clove of garlic is divided into several parts, with half a cup of milk and, if possible desalination of milk with a spoon of honey bees, and are usually eating garlic before or after eating, and there is no evidence of any benefit in the event dealt with on an empty stomach, eating garlic can be cooked as well as raw rate of two lobes or more per day. In spite of that garlic preparations protect against modern Roaiha incisive and disturbing, but rely on natural eating garlic better than to rely on its preparations, particularly as some of these products has not been demonstrated its effectiveness or, rather, did not prove that effective, and perhaps conjure some of the other substances like garlic from terms of taste and smell of garlic, so you should take to avoid these natural disadvantages.
Garlic and heart .. Lasting friendship moved a step closer garlic steps forward towards you and give you a lot of benefits is useful for heart health, reduce lower high blood pressure, and garlic can be classified as Friend lasting and friendly to the heart, and experts and doctors around the world recognize the importance of garlic for prevention and treatment of heart disease, and are intended hence the disease angina, or coronary or heart attack or stroke. The studies and research that the great benefits of garlic in the regulation of blood pressure, and that this effect is due to the sulfur amino acids characteristic garlic work to reduce high blood pressure, garlic also helps to modify the low blood pressure as well, and this is a rare plant and one is working to address the rise and fall .. Which means that he adjusts the blood pressure in both cases, a feature unique to the exclusion of all other plants, so it provides an important protection against heart disease may cause a very high blood pressure or a sharp drop of pressure. Discount to the level of cholesterol garlic discount actively to the level of cholesterol in the body, which consists of cholesterol in the liver and gets the body of fat-rich food of animal origin .. Which are two type of adverse BDI (LOL) and the type of so-called wholesome (HOL) and the difference between that type of harmful deposits artery coronary arteries feeding the heart muscle, and this leads to a hardening of the artery or arteries and then for angina, whereas the other type, it has no particular deposition arteries, On the contrary, it is resistant to deposition of the first type, and works to reduce the risks. Scientific experiments have proved that garlic helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and, therefore, automatically enhance and cholesterol useful function and supports resistance to the risk of harmful kind, serves to adjust the blood fat in the form which makes it safe, enough to achieve the safety of the arteries and then save the heart and protection from the risk of hardening arteries, angina and stroke. How to protect garlic from strokes? Rights need not be blood in liquid absolute, and only led to bleeding wounds, the simplest drawing all the blood from the body, and also not to be blood Mottaglta permanently, because this is a threat to the arteries, hence he relates to the rest of the parts of the body and deny that members of the blood and a man dies .. The case of this mid-between clotting and liquidity, stating garlic actively maintains a balance between the two cases. Garlic works to reduce the effect of a substance called Trumboudi, a substance that helps blood to clot, but does not leave a negative impact on other material tasked with maintaining the flow of blood a substance Brostaschaelin. Recent research studies have shown that garlic has the effect than the effect of aspirin in maintaining the fluidity of blood and to protect patients from a stroke, and these other property unique to the garlic from the other, being more than modern drugs in the performance of its functions, and so without regard to others from other plants. Fighting cancer and microbes of garlic's ability effectively to address the cancer of more than one direction, it activates the immune system to become more resistant to cancer cells and response, on the other hand, he has the ability to rid the body of toxins that are excreted from cancer, in addition to its ability in the fight against bacteria and viruses that attack the body, but has a friendship with the rest of the body's healthy cells, there is no harm does not affect them Splia. He is a friend of the human body, capable of classification of enemies inside the body and antagonism, and the preservation of his friends and protect them and defend them, and then strive to produce the cells that make him the spearhead in the fight against cancer, bacteria, microbes, and is scientifically proven that garlic destroys many types of viruses, and resisting fungal infection, parasitic infestation and diseases. Organization Aljlecloz blood many of the characteristics of garlic that works to regulate the level of sugar (glucose) in blood so keen on diabetics and those with a low level of sugar, has reported a modern scientific research conducted in the United States to plant garlic is an effective feature to counter the high level of blood sugar, The experiments that when the level of blood sugar garlic works to stimulate the pancreas to secrete the amount of insulin to get rid of excess sugar, at the same time helps the liver to withdraw amounts in excess sugar from the blood and in this way protects the patient's risks rise. Other benefits of garlic effective in addressing many of the diseases, and reduce the risks if not treated, apart from the active role and is installed in the cholesterol-lowering and controlling body fat, reduce sugar in the blood, numerous researches have indicated to the high potentials in helping the body's cells to withstand cells cancer, as well as reducing the symptoms of AIDS, as well as its ability to respond to psychological pressure and protect the immune system, as mentioned in garlic Kmsthoudr for dental pain and fierce, that confuse the amount of garlic cloves mashed with a suitable amount of peanut butter, the mixture is placed in the position of pain .. In addition, garlic Kmsthoudr useful for the treatment of colds, sore throat, bronchitis, and the treatment of tensions .. To be dealt with raw, or reliance on the product effective in Vtakecr cloves of garlic and mash well and mixed a quantity of honey, and leave the mixture for two hours and take a teaspoon of it several times throughout the day. The garlic formulation used for the treatment of dysentery and get rid of the smell of intestinal worms and parasitic diseases, as well as cases of colic and bowel, and benefits in the treatment of hemorrhoids, so confuse clove garlic, crushed oil vitamin (e) so that the empty capsules of vitamin E, and the mixture is through the anus evening before going to sleep, too According to garlic in the treatment of abscesses and Suppurations, in addition to its usefulness as a stimulant of sexual desire, and what some doctors and therapists for the treatment of weight loss, and that taking garlic vinegar apple .. The formula uses garlic to eliminate colds and Prevention, as well as address the sputum and ease bronchitis and treatment of tonsillitis, and treatment of obstructive nasal congestion and benefits in the treatment of grain face and mouth sores, and infections of the skin, and ear pain. Try the garlic has Bmfolh strong cleansing the scalp of insects (lice) and the treatment of whooping cough, and anti-gout through regular in dealing with on a daily basis by two lobes. Garlic oil capsules of garlic oil is extracted through a scientific laboratory, and processed in the form of capsules, containing sulfur compounds and other materials, they are very similar to garlic, but a very highly concentrated, if we want to get one pound of garlic oil, this means that we will need to one thousand kilograms of garlic, which is an expensive, so it is not surprising if we find some companies to resort to mixing oil with some garlic oils of other plants to overcome the high price of oil, garlic capsules. Modern pharmaceutical industry, has created capsules do not escape during the passage of the smell of the mouth, but once it reaches the stomach, the capsule dissolves, releasing the strong smell of garlic in and out through the mouth, has been used by some companies to packaging material to prevent the capsule dissolves in the stomach, so decompose after their arrival at intestine, and thereby prevent the arrival of the smell of garlic to the mouth. Studies have confirmed that these capsules into the properties of garlic in response to some diseases, but less efficient when used antibiotic, and the dose of garlic oil capsules much larger than the daily dose of garlic ratio to contain a large amount of garlic and focused.
Quoting from the journal of island Electronic

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