
Publié par happy-diet lundi 23 novembre 2009

Adventure Games .. And their impact on the heart

ألعاب المغامرات .. وتأثيرها على القلب

Increase in summer visits to the gardens of exciting games, especially those installed by the visitors, with hearts is vulnerable on the roller coaster track emerging fallen fast-moving. The afternoon ride that really is not good for the patient's heart as well.

The researchers report in the University Hospital in Mannheim in Germany, the heart rate of 55 young persons (average age 28 years), before, during, and after riding «Ikebedcn G-Force» Expedition GeForce, a fast-moving railroad Afoanip Haslok in German.

Before riding the rail roller, the average heart rate for participants in the study 91 beats per minute, a number slightly higher than the number of strikes of health, which ranges between 60 and 80 beats per minute. That was the figure means that the participants were concerned in some way, no more, no less.

These types of railway track serpentine «relatively quiet», which is moving at speeds of 75 miles (120 kilometers) per hour, compared with those Gamhat a speed of 120 miles (190 kilometers) per hour.

However, two minutes after the start of the movement of rail, was the heart of the participants in the ride hit a rate of 153 beats per minute on average .. Researchers were surprised because the largest increase in the number of beats appeared during the first stage of the ride, the ascent stage, not during the next phase of down syndrome, which usually leads to a fear of falling.

Movement and the heart
As it was to ride the long-standing impact: half of the participants remained impaired their heart for several minutes after the end of their travel, and even after heart rate returned to normal levels.

But you have to know that paying your heart to work, not a bad thing. As the fruit that the benefits of moderate physical activity such as walking or aerobic exercise (aerobic) any species that accelerate the work of your heart, make you breathe harder than usual, and provides additional benefits for the heart and blood vessels.

The American Heart Association recommends starting out in the program of aerobic exercises, but it sets an increase of 50 to 75 per cent of the maximum number of beats of your heart, as «the target area» of any physical activity is good.

After six months of regular exercise, says the American Heart Association, will be able to Rights to undertake exercises, with satisfaction, to increase the number of heart beats by 85 per cent of its normal rate safe.

For many people, the rapid rate of heart as they rode the rail roller serpentine, it is within these limits. As noted by the researchers to submit their report to the American Heart Association in 2005, it should not for young people who do not have heart disease, fear of the lead passenger's heart may lead to violence, to stop his heart.

However, this does not apply to persons who have a heart condition or high blood pressure.

A surge in heart rate may be dangerous. (In April) 2006, a woman died in the 49-year-old after riding in El «Spice» in one of the centers of entertainment for «Disney», which move passengers at the force more than twice the power of attraction the ground.

The media reported that the autopsy showed that death occurred because of a stroke may be associated with high blood pressure. The 4 year old boy, had a heart condition is not diagnosed before, had died after riding the same track a year before that.

Scientists are asking for damages of the new games fast, when the Games sites promoting rail roller coaster ads on the work of raising the heart is stopped, it offers no pretensions empty.

On average, four people die each year because of rail travel in the serpentine. And half of all deaths that occur in accidents, be the result of sugar, or foolish behavior.

The second half stemmed from a medical condition, often a heart attack or fatal heart palpitations, or bleeding in the brain, or an explosion in one of the blood vessels.

Two studies on the roller coaster track, that the heart begins to knock violently, almost at the start of rail vehicles on the rise.

And reached the highest rates of heart rate in healthy young volunteers on average to 155 beats per minute, while monitoring the 90 per cent higher than the average number of normal beats in some of them.

Provision has also been a sharp rise in blood pressure. In one study, published in 2007 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, to monitor, with about half of the volunteers, an imbalance in the heart is bad for several minutes after the end of their travel, but the question remains as to whether this imbalance is harmful to living with heart disease.

Although we do, it can be said that the ride will be new games may have a greater impact in the heart and blood vessels.

And some new games take place at 100 miles (160 kilometers) per hour, and up attraction that riders are exposed to the same force experienced by astronauts at the start of the U.S. space shuttle.

The vast majority of people ride these games and terminate it with a sense of adventure without any sense of another, but there are reasons of reasons for warnings for other people who suffer from heart disease, to avoid rail roller coaster and other similar games.

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