
Publié par happy-diet mardi 17 novembre 2009


Shahat, as it is known in some countries is a bacterial infection in Boaisalp hair eyelashes.
And is marked with a red swollen bump on the edge of the eyelid (upper eyelid or lower). And is one of the
Most bacterial infections of the eye widespread. And affects all ages, as well as equal incidence in males and females.

Bacterium that causes a Aljlijl called Staphylococcal bacteria and is occur naturally in the skin without causing any
Harm only if there is infection of the skin, as well as reside in the nose and move easily to the eye. Fmlamsp hands for nose mucus and then rubbing the eye is one of the methods deployed to the transfer of bacteria and Iasabp eyelid.

Infect bacteria and sebaceous glands Sebaceous Glands located in the edge of the eyelid meeting place eyelashes Eyeliner.

Aljlijl and is an infectious disease where the bacteria can be transmitted easily cause him to the other eye
For the same injured person or to another person especially when you share the use of towels. Therefore, you must:

* Attention to the frequent washing of hands.
* Wash face 2 - 3 times a day at least.
* Do not participate in the towels.
* Do not use tools eye makeup until the healing completely.
* Do not use contact lenses until it is completely curable.


A small bump on the edge of eyelid is red and painful, especially when touching it. And may contain the head of a white or yellow color and that means it contains pus.
Swelling in the injured part of the eyelid.
Redness in the edge of the eyelid.
Tadmie constant eye infected.
A sense of small grains of sand rough eye Gritty sensation.
A sense of unease when you open and close the eyelid.


Warm compresses to the eye: it helps to reduce pain and speed the disposal of bacterial infection. A piece of cotton wetted with water
Hot water so that the maximum degree of heat can be borne by the patient, but taking into account not lead to the burning of the skin from overheating.
And left on the eye until it cools slightly. And the process is repeated for 10 - 15 minutes. And is the work of the warm compresses 4 times a day at least.
Antibiotics: often used topical antibiotics in the form of ointment to the eye. And in some extreme cases the use of antibiotic in pill form.
In a few cases, if not responding to treatment is emptied Aljlijl surgically or by extraction hair eyelashes inflammatory Bboaisaladtha. And is a very simple process takes one minute.

And must be stressed that try to squeeze the pus is located Paljlijl to get rid of it because this may lead to the further spread of bacterial infection.

And you must contact your doctor immediately in the following cases:

If there is no improvement in 1 - 2 weeks from the beginning of treatment.
If there is a problem in the vision.
If you see the scales in high eyelid (where eyelashes).
If there is severe redness of the lids as a whole, or red eye itself.
If there is excess sensitivity of the eye of light.
If there is bleeding from the eyelid.

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