
Publié par happy-diet mardi 17 novembre 2009

Stages of tooth decay Tooth Decay

Standing tooth decay side by side with the common cold competition one of the most common causes of human suffering. Dental caries is not a matter of course as many people believe, but in fact, bacterial disease, as the bacteria combine with saliva in the mouth and the remnants of food in order to make adhesive called plaque Plaque stick to the surfaces of the teeth.
And feed the bacteria in that layer of sugar people eat acid-producing filters the teeth of calcium and phosphorus. If not removed these deposits lenses start gradually from age erosion of the enamel is the outer layer of the age and then the next layer of ivory which is the body of persons.
If you do not put an end to it can lead to decay even within the heart of the age at which contains the nerve at the center of the tooth causing toothache. The infection is that the consequences of leaving it vulnerable to the age composition of the abscess.
Dental whisper depends on three factors: the presence of bacteria, the availability of sugars that feed upon bacteria, and susceptibility to age the outer layer (enamel) to cavities.
Poor nutrition and poor personal oral care may have been the main factors behind most cases of tooth decay.
In particular, we find that people who consume large quantities of refined carbohydrates, especially those of food quality woven in a way that makes them adhesive on the surfaces of teeth or humans who eat frequent meals weak without cleaning their teeth, then find them the most vulnerable because they suffer the problems of decay.
There are also some people for unknown reasons so far seem to have acidic saliva unusually or have higher levels of the natural rate of bacteria in their mouths also make them more susceptible to decay.
The tooth decay does not cause any symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. After that age become sensitive to heat, cold, and consumption of sugars. In the early stages that may occur followed by toothache.


Touched on many of the fresh fruits and vegetables raw, they contain minerals that prevent the saliva from becoming more acidic.
- Avoid soft drinks. It is highly concentrated in the phosphate that lead to the loss of calcium from tooth enamel.
- Hygiene care of your mouth. Brush your teeth after eating, and clean between the teeth daily. This is the only way to remove the layer that are decay. Also available types of mouthwash to help remove the layer of the teeth using brush and floss Hariri.
- Do not use species that chew vitamin C because it is possible that necrosis of the tooth enamel. Tablets and powders designed to be swallowed not expose you to this danger.
- In order to ease the pain of tooth ache or abscess until you see the dentist, then wash the affected area warm salt solution (add half a teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of warm water).

General considerations

It is recommended to arrange dates for the regular periodic examination at the dentist at least once a year.
- At the moment is the only way to stop tooth decay in cavities, is to remove the decay and coverage of some kind of padding.
- Recommends that many of the dentists using the regular fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay, especially in children. Fluoride material derived from the element fluorine. Fluorine in itself, a chemical deadly, but it is believed that fluoride has no dangerous in small quantities.

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