
Publié par happy-diet vendredi 20 novembre 2009

Stay away from the three white poisons:

Poison White

Is the salt, sugar and white flour avoided as much as possible is certainly injurious to reducing the salt a way as possible and Replace, for sugar, use honey and brown flour instead of white.

2. Chewing vegetables well:

Chewing food well increases the proportion of chemicals in cancer-fighting launched by vegetables such as land, holistic and cabbage and broccoli.

3. Walking per day:

Walking daily for half an hour or an hour reduces the risk of cancer by 18% and helps to get rid of 3 kg per year and maintains the strength of the body ...

4. A lot of eating almonds:

Prefer eating almonds between meals daily when you feel hungry it is rich with the nutrients they may not have a God daily diet ....

5. Add cinnamon to coffee:

Put half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of coffee daily is contributing to lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and helps the body use insulin more effectively and is therefore very useful for patients with diabetes if it always moved ....

6. There is no need to hurry and speed:

We must take time when you do the daily work in order to avoid exposure to high blood pressure.

(7): Add half a teaspoon of black bean to cup skimmed milk yogurt and addressed daily, if possible ....

8 (3) daily rations of vegetables and fruits:

Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits at 3 daily rations these could reduce the risk of heart attack by 70% ....

(9) Pharmacy عجيبه garlic protects against many diseases:

Garlic impressed natural medicines for many diseases, but after using chew something of green vegetables such as parsley until it has passed its smell and clean the mouth before going to the mosque .....

(10) Murr better antibiotic:

Antibiotics the chemical is harmful if reciting a lot of use but Murr useful antibiotic and has many other benefits and has no harmful effects Vostkhaddmoh when you need to find one antibiotic when Attar and herbal medicine shops ....

11. Be sure to follow up on the type of mole on the skin:

Research suggests that the ability to observations of changes in the various moles on the skin increases by 13%, and careful observation avoid cancer.

12. Dental hygiene:

Be careful to avoid wetting the toothbrush with water before placing them where the putty dry brush over the possibility to get rid of plaque by 67%.

13. Sleep better:

Apples to fight insomnia and sleep deeply Sleep helps to combat premature aging and keep skin youthful ..

14. Use the vinegar always:

Vinegar and vinegar in particular "" apple "" ephod of materials for the body

And benefits to countless small spoon used with power per day.

15. Drinking green tea:

To make a cup of green tea daily, which inhibit the oxidation of cells in the body, and reduce the possibility of cancer and better results Acherboh center without sugar ...

16. Eating fish once a week:

Although the specialists recommend addressing Examine Tin of fish per week, but that eating one serving can help improve the balance of brain chemicals, fish is good for the heart and brain

17. Apples every day, you avoid the doctor:

Tip of old, but already Saheeh Apples are very beneficial accustomed to eat an apple a day and you will notice an improvement in your health.

18. Eat more fruit:

Natural fruit between meals, which helps digestion and rid the body of toxins and impurities.

19. Olive oil Pharmacy complementary:

Olive oil of the strangest natural substances that have countless benefits for

Vhaftoa drink it every day and paint.

20. Address the two pieces of chocolate per day:

Where experts argue that chocolate away from you anemia and improves mood ..

2 1. Not to carry heavy objects:

Stay away from carrying any heavy bags so as not to affect the spine or on the way to stand up and walk a negative way.

2 2. Attention to the color of the tongue:

Color of the tongue can be an indication of health problems, so be sure to color and any acquisition of a different color, ie white indicates a weakness in the immune system and the yellow color indicates excessive food and drink and red at the tip of the tongue is an indicator of psychological stress

2 3. Recreation outside the home:

Change and departure from the daily routine helps to raise morale and keep away from stress and depression as the program must be developed for a walk outside the home and visit family and relatives and friends.

2 4. Bath & Body and Clothing:

You may not see with the naked eye "and how your body or carry clothes from microbes, but change and clean to prevent infection in any bacteria and microbes, especially with mild heat and hygiene of the faith.

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