
Publié par happy-diet vendredi 26 mars 2010


Forms and many types of headaches. It may be intermittent or persistent headache. Humans have a headache every month for a duration of several hours, or may be affected by the weekly or sometimes daily. Headaches can vary in severity bout between dull pain and pain moderate to severe pain, a sense of almost unbearable.

Pain may come in the front or temple or near the eyes or in the back of the head and may spread to one of the headaches naughty face, or both. Accompanied by certain types of headache symptoms other than pain, nausea, vomiting, disturbed vision and mood.

Category headaches
Doctors classify headaches or headaches to:

Organic organic headache headache headache is caused by illness or physical injury and its incidence is less than 10% of all headaches. Organic headaches may arise from a number of reasons, ranging from a light blow on the head or fever, a serious disease Kalouram stroke.
Headache Inorganic nonorganic headache, a headache that does not occur because of illness or injury and its incidence is over 90% of cases of headaches. Non-organic headaches may arise due to alterations of physiological or functional alterations in certain areas of the head coffers vessels and muscles that result from the body's response to stimuli occur alterations in posts.

Types of non-organic headache
Most common types of non-organic headaches common are:

Migraine migraine
Tension headache tension headache
Cluster headache cluster headache
Other types of other types

Types of organic headache
There are hundreds of reasons for headaches caused by organic disease such as:

Diseases cause high blood pressure or tension in the head
High blood pressure, high and severe
Disorders of the body such as:
Eye disorders
Eye is very sensitive because of the presence of a large group of nerves. When exposed to any stir tears It is possible that Fry and the result may be a headache. Here are some examples of the causes of headaches arising from the affected eye:
Inflammation of the conjunctiva (the edge of the eyelids and eyeball membrane)
Eyelid abscess or a boil (or at the root of the root of the eyelashes)
Palace or deviation Sight - notes the disappearance of headaches after correcting the vision of some, if it seems possible factor in your headache should be performed, the medical examination.
The new glasses may be the causes of headaches due to pressure on the nose or Alosaddag
Inflammation of the nerve behind the eyeball
Inflammation of the middle ear is common in children
Dental problems

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