

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 4 mars 2010

Ophthalmic branch of medicine that deals with diseases and surgery optic tract, including the eye, brain, eye and surrounding areas, such as the lacrimal system and Jffine eye.

Is a medical specialization which deals with treatment and infects the eyes of the disease and refractive errors. This may include treatment of diseases affecting the eye from conjunctivitis or inflammation, or physical treatments (surgery) to correct the consideration and cultivation of lenses and glaucoma treatment (black water) and cataracts (White Water) and other diseases.
Laser applications in ophthalmology

laser applications in ophthalmology
Ophthalmology at the Arab heritage

Transfer of defense in his book, pioneer of medicine in the Arab and Islamic civilization, how did you know Ophthalmology date when the Arabs and Muslims in medieval Islamic science Kahala, and dipsomania is a person who has experience and good knowledge of diseases of the eye, and has the ability to treat skilfully using the Food and Drug Oojerahp. Must also be familiar dipsomania also completely dissected the eye,

May ignore the whole world to be fully Ophthalmology origin is Arab ... That is evident in the Arabic terminology, which translated into English conformity ... The following are examples of some of those terms:

Retina: Arabic called "Alrdinp" and English "Retina"

Cornea: in Arabic "Cornea," and English "Cornea"

Hajjaj Al Ain: in Arabic, "Almrd" and English "Orbit"

To the other terms mirror.
The views of Ibn al-Haytham

Ibn al-Haytham was a great note in the study of optics and vision in the Middle Ages. The overwhelming influence that continued for over five centuries.

Views of Ibn al-Haytham is considered one of the foundations upon which the physiology of vision in modern science, despite the importance of Ibn al-Haytham's theory of vision and its impact on the force for more than five centuries - the original theories of psychological processes associated with the absorption of visual did not have sufficient in the study and scrutiny, as it was the first to knew the importance of eye movements to accommodate vision. It is known that only in recent years demonstrated the importance of eye movements in the formation of awareness of the external image to us, and without eye movements there is no recognition for absorbing visualization. I ascertain that Ibn al-Haitham eye of the reception of light, not only the first step in cognition and that after this step requires the negative positive steps to achieve the vision such as attention, memory and comparison.

Green tea protects the eye

A recent study concluded that green tea may play a role in the prevention of eye diseases, after the results confirmed that the active compounds contained in the present hot drink up into the eye tissue, according to the study conducted by researchers from Hospital, Hong Kong Eye; It was confirmed that vehicles Katekins found in green tea, which owns the properties of anti-oxidants, have the ability to penetrate the tissues of the eye, which is likely to be of green tea's role in the prevention of eye diseases Kalgluckoma

Eye disease??

Atlal a network when premature infants

Retinopathy in premature infants (Retinopathy of Prematurity or ROP Chtsara a) is a disease of the eyes of children born in the case of an early time of their birth naturally, in the origin is a process that is irregular blood vessels in the eye to affect the retina. Often get the disease in children with weight a little more of them are people with normal weight at birth and is learned by the early tests. Unity of this disease is divided into five sections in the most serious their situations produces a white spot in the child's eye

Chalazion (disease)

Burda or Chalisn (Name: chalazion) also known as inflammation of the glands Meybomeos eye which is a chronic inflammation of the glands in Meybomeos Eyeliner with Occlusion of the circle of these glands; where detachments gather these cystic glands cluster problem is different in size and strength are not painful. Burda may disappear automatically after a month of its appearance and but may need treatment.
Diagnosis and symptoms

* Painless swelling in the eyelid.
* Double eyelid.
* Eye sensitivity to light.
* Increasing Teariness.


Initial treatment for the disease is the use of purdah sterile warm water compresses for 10 to 20 minutes 4 times a day at least. This may lead to dissolving accumulated secretions blocking the channels Meybomeos glands of the eyelid and the return of normality.

Appropriate antibiotic for the treatment of inflammation is the eye drops or ointment such as Klormfenikol, acid Fayyosidik Duksyschaelin or by mouth, but often the infection will disappear automatically.

If you do not bag and still continued to swell, you may be removed surgically under local anesthesia of the eyelid. So that the work of a small incision in the eyelid to dump the contents of the bag, and is often part internally to avoid the appearance of scars.

Proper cleaning of the eyelid may reduce the recurrence of the infection in people who tend to the emergence of this disease. And prefer to clean the eyelids and eyelashes every morning.


Hol (opening and waw ha) (Name: Squint, whose scientific name Strabismus) is an optical defect makes the eyes the situation of non-balanced, so that each eye to go a different direction, you can focus one eye for the forward direction, while the other eye deviates in or out or up or down and can be noted that this imbalance in the development of the eyes clearly, or sometimes appears and disappears other times, may move this imbalance between the eyes.
The causes of strabismus

* Congenital strabismus: This shows the type immediately after birth or during the first six months of birth.

* Lengthy or short: If you close an object of the eyes, the eyes often lose the ability to focus and deviate one away and this is something natural, but it is not normal in the case of strabismus is an aberration, the eye and loss of ability to focus in the event that the visible object far enough from the eyes , and this movement is not balanced because of the eyes together.

* Incidence of some childhood diseases such as measles or smallpox or injury to certain eye diseases.
* Incidence of some diseases of the nervous system such as those caused paralysis in the eye muscles.
* Injury to the eye muscles or nerves leading her during childbirth, or because of Tlevat muscles in the eye.

Types of strabismus

Permanent * Strabismus: Strabismus is shown at all times.
* Intermittent strabismus: This sometimes appears and disappears other times. It is noteworthy that intermittent strabismus in infants (before age 4 - 6 months) is a normal physiological phenomenon.
* Mutual Strabismus: Strabismus and here goes from spring to the other, and demonstrates the strength of equal consideration in the eyes.
* Hol hidden: the one who shows a medical examination or in the case of fatigue.


Myopia, or nearsightedness (Myopia) is a kind of visual impairment, where the spotlight falls front of the retina which is the opposite of what happens in the case of farsightedness is the result both of an error in the status of the image. In most cases, is not a short-sighted as a health condition, but is linked to genetic tendency, but can be considered short-sighted "composite Almangen" satisfactory.

Resulting myopia or poor consideration of the form of a major eyeball,. Vicu axis of the eyeball so that the length plus the near vision (such as reading and writing) excellent, but distant objects blurry Vtkon. Usually along the axis of the eye is sound - which extends from the cornea to the retina - 42 cm at this length of the eyeball meet ray of light in the center of the eye on the retina The vision is sound as
Types of myopia

There are several types of reversing the Elv different reasons, there are simple myopia and myopia increased

And correct this situation easily by using glasses, contact lenses or by LASIK. It is usually worsened by a permanent decline until the age of thirty.

Natural sight

The same view, shortsighted.

The correction of myopia corrected by using lenses


Astigmatism (in English: Astigmatism) is a visual defect in which the vision blurred, where the corneal irregular understeer making power in the horizontal axis, for example, is different from the strength in the vertical axis which makes the rays reaching the eye gather at several points in front of or behind the retina and not in one point on the retina, and makes the picture does not look clear and close to or far from the eye, usually accompanied by other abuses of refraction (astigmatism Hsrip Myopic astigmatism or astigmatism knife Hyperopic astigmatism).

And astigmatism are corrected in glasses or contact lenses, including the so-called cylindrical lenses, which vary in strength Atjhadtha different.

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